Best Software Training Institute in Vijayawada

India's No.1 Classroom and Online Training Institute

100% Placement Support & Trainings

JOB Oriented & Certification Training Courses

Start Learning Today with Corporate Trainers

Java Full Stack Training

Spring MVC, Framework, Spring Boot, KAFKA - Messaging, MAVEN Tool, AGILE, SCRUM Process, GIT - Version Control, JQuery, AJAX, Angular JS, Node JS

Python Full Stack Training​

Python Basic & Advance, Django REST Framework, KAFKA Messaging system, MongoDB, Web Development, Projects on Framework

Advanced AI

Introduction to Python, ML Libraries, AI Basics & Advanced, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, NLP, Transformers, Model Deployment, Projects on AI Frameworks LLM, Chat GPT, Generative AI

Data Science Training

Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Tableau/Power BI, Python, Big Data Analytics, R Programming, Mongo DB, Statistics


HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL, MongoDB , Express JS, Angular8, React JS, Node JS, Dot NET, PHP, MVC, Typescript, Bootstrap...

Amazon Web Services AWS

AWS Tools: Cloud Computing, AWS, Google Cloud,Big Data, Internet of Things(IOT), Devops, IDE, Azure

IOT Training

Introduction to IoT, Arduino Basics, IoT Communication Protocols, Wireless Technologies, Wired and Wireless Communication Protocols, Cloud Platforms

Devops Training

Learn 25+ Devops Tools: Jenkins, Puppet, Maven, AWS, Nagios, Slack, Docker, Selenium, Splunk, Cloud Computing, Ansible

Big Data Hadoop Training

Hadoop Admin & Developer, Big Data Analytics, Spark & Scala, Hadoop with Python, HDFS, Map Reduce, EC System, Hive, Pig, Scoop ...

Software Testing Training

Manual Testing, Selenium Testing with Core Java, Appium, Automation Tetsing Tools, Mobile Automation Testing

Web Development Training

HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL, AJAX, Angular8, React JS, Node JS, Dot NET, PHP, MVC, Typescript, Bootstrap...

Oracle DBA Training

Learn Oracle Database Architecture, Installation, Security, Managing Memory, Storage, Automating Tasks with Scheduler, Database Corruption...

Java Training

OOPS Concepts, Data Structures, File Handing, Graphics, IO Stream, Exception Handling, Functions, Inheritance, Polymorphism ...


Adobe Illustrator , Adobe Indesign ,Adobe XD, Adobe XD, Marvel, InVision, Treejack, Figma, Balsamiq, Sketch , HTML/CSS

C++ Training

OOPS Concepts, Data Structures, File Handing, Graphics, IO Stream, Exception Handling, Functions, Inheritance, Polymorphism ...

C Training

Introduction to Programming Basic C Syntax: C syntax, including data types. Operators, control structures, loops, and functions. Arrays and Pointers: How to use arrays in C programs.

# Placement Support

Get Placed with us

Which is the Best Institute for placements?

# NRIT Upskills provides maximum interview calls to help to choose your Dream Job

Learning Begins With Us

We, at NRIT Upskills offer supportive and inspirational environments for young enquiring minds to learn and grow with us. Our passion for learning means we achieve more than outstanding results. We strive to build confident and creative thinkers and aim at delivering an education that is truly relevant to their future.

We are an early learning academy focused on social-emotional development and early literacy and numeracy. Our students walk out with the character and confidence to make their mark in the world, equipped with the knowledge and real-world skills that take them way ahead in the industry they may serve.

Our Strength

Training Duration

0 Hrs+

Assignment Per Course

0 +


0 +

Corporate Trainings

0 +

# Current Requirement

Career Guidance

Which is the Best Institute for Career Guidance?

#NRIT Upskill Software Solutions provides free Career Counselling and suggest the best suitable Courses as per candidate eligibility

We aim at inspiring our students to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more in their respective journeys of life.

— NRIT Upskills

Our Hiring Partners For Placements

Curriculum Overview

The Champion School aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.


At Dhanush-MEP Centre, we provide training for Engineers and Technicians in Building Services (HVAC, Electrical and Plumbing) which provides Immediate Employment.


We have placed 10,000 + Students till now who have done courses with us. We have 500+ Employers across India who are ready to employ you. We are also supporting overseas Placements.

Our Centers

We have Training Centres in Hyderabad Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Cochin, Guntur and Kuppam (A.P).


AvatarOur Services Including Technical Trainings, Corporate Trainings, Staffing Solutions and Manpower Supply.

Connect with Us

AvatarFollow us for latest happenings in the Industry, and Dhanush through our FB, Linked-IN and YouTube channels


AvatarAs Alumni we would like to support you and get support from you. Get aware the Benefits of being a DHANUSH Alumni and get support throughout your career.

Our Team

NRIT Upskills provides a platform to build the career, gives a vision and support to job seekers. Our team is focused on providing right career path to our candidates. To accomplish this, our trainers plays a vital role in mentoring the students. We as a team, work on grooming the candidate not only in technology but also in various other interview and presentation skills. NRIT Upskills software Solutions provide hands on experience on real time projects with interview questions.

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About US

40+ Courses – Live Projects – Career Counselling


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